
Social media guidelines

The Step Up to Great Mental Health website and social media accounts have been set up to share information about the programme with the public and stakeholders and to give people the opportunity to engage with and discuss its work.

The main social media accounts are

Where possible – and when we think it necessary – we will reply to comments and questions as soon as we can. However these accounts are managed by a small team who do not work in the evenings and weekends so if you post a comment outside of office hours we are unlikely to respond quickly.  You may notice that posts do appear outside of office hours – that is because we schedule them in advance.

We reserve the right to ignore or delete comments which:

  • Are offensive, for example because they are racist, sexist or include swear words
  • Make reference to individuals in a negative way
  • Are threatening
  • Are designed to cause a nuisance, for example because someone is using shock value to promote arguments (trolling). 

In extreme circumstance we reserve the right to block individuals who are rude, aggressive, threatening etc. We may also report abuse to Twitter, Google+ etc.